International Door Association (IDA)
The International Door Association's primary mission is to provide programs and services to door and access system dealers for the express purpose of enhancing their value and professionalism. IDA plays an important role in the process of quality creation and control by providing helpful programs and services to those who sell, install and service the superb products produced by the door industry's exhaustive list of manufacturers.

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
The National Association of Home Builders exists to represent the home building industry by serving its members and affiliated state and local builders associations. The NAHB members, who are involved in all aspects of a diversified building industry, create jobs for millions of people and contribute significantly to the economic activity of their community, the nation and the world.

Bay Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC)
Founded in 1980, the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit, professional organization made up of the Coos Bay, North Bend and Charleston business communities. The Chamber works to create a strong business voice, promote business and improve the economy of the Bay Area.